About Harvest to Gather

Harvest to Gather is a family of companies that includes VG Meats, Rowe Farms and Olliffe butcher shop.
Established by VG Meats in 2022, Harvest to Gather carries over 150 years of collective history in Ontario communities. Our mission is to provide high quality, delicious, regenerative food that contributes to the health of local families, ecosystems and economies. We’re proud to be stewards of the land with a deep commitment to doing what’s right—even when it takes extra time and effort.
As a customer, you may face challenges making responsible food purchasing choices: limited options from few large vendors and economic concerns, to name two common examples. By supporting local, independent food producers who prioritize regenerative outcomes, you can help build a better food system and contribute to a brighter future for all Canadians.
Farms within the Harvest to Gather network share a goal of using holistic management to achieve regenerative outcomes. Our team includes farmers, land managers, butchers, retailers, wholesale partners and others with an interest in leaving our grandchildren with regenerated ecosystems, stronger communities and thriving local food systems. We know this is possible and with the support of our customers, we’re making exciting progress year after year. This has allowed us to become leaders of the resilient food system in Canada.
We envision a world where individuals, families and entire communities are able to live peaceful, fulfilling lives with security and abundance. This means having access to nutritious food, clean water and education while enjoying good health and a balanced life. We’ll help you understand the connection between your local farmer, how often your neighbour’s basement floods and the water quality at that nearby lake your kids like to swim in. We think about the immediate and long-term actions of every decision we make, always striving to better ourselves and our surroundings, and we help others view their own decision-making through this lens.
One of the most valuable things we can offer each other is the ability to see beyond ourselves and make choices with a lasting positive impact. With your support, the Harvest to Gather family of brands is committed to doing the work necessary to leave a legacy we’re proud of.
Thanks for your interest and support—to learn more, please contact us.